Saturday, February 5, 2011

The Trust of Arnor

September 23, 3018 The Dunedain have been driven from Sarn Ford, and now seek to do battle with the Nazgul in the Shire itself. If they can only slow the ringwraiths down a bit, the northmen may yet taste victory this day.


The battle occurs in an uninhabited region of the Southfarthing. The picture is of the battlefield looking west.
The Good Side consists of 9 rangers with sword, spear, and bow.
The Evil Side consists of 8 Nazgul and the Witch-king, all armed with wicked swords.
The rangers deploy between the two hills. The Nazgul deploy on the eastern edge of the battle field.
The evil side wins if it can get 5 ringwraiths off the western board edge. The good side wins if it can slay 5 ringwraiths.

Khamul, the Shadow Lord and the Undying moved onto the field as the rangers formed up their battle lines. The rangers took the initiative. They moved forward, but Leod and some others took up position on the hills. The Dark Marshal, the Witch-king, and the Knight of Umbar moved onto the field. The rangers moved into range of their targets, one of the Mirkwood rangers killing Khamul. As the rangers braced for impact, the remaining Nazgul arrived, making eight in action. The Witch-king killed the Brother of the West. Strung out in a column, the Nazgul were finding it hard to not get attacked.
The Undying and the Betrayer were felled, but the Witch-king followed up by killing a Grey Company ranger. The Nazgul soon moved out in the open. It was the home stretch, and the only barrier was two reinforcements that had moved onto the scene. As the front of the column engaged the reinforcements, more arrived from the south, hampering the ringwraith's progress and giving the others a chance to catch up. The Nazgul were beset on all sides, and a single arrow felled the Dwimmerlaik. The Witch-king too was slain, and good had won!

Once again, the rangers have won. And, once again, the Nazgul reform and drive those before them away in fear. They have now entered the Shire...

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