Saturday, February 5, 2011

Bucklebury Ferry

September 25, 3018 After their encounter with the ringwraiths in Woody End, the hobbits travel carfully down through the Eastfarthing. They meet Merry, who has become worried at their late arrival. Now there is but one final challenge for the four hobbits to overcome before they can escape the Shire: Bucklebury Ferry.


The picture is of the battlefield looking south
The Good Side is made up of Frodo, Sam, Merry, and Pippin. All are armed with sturdy blades.
The Evil Side is made up of 3 Nazgul, armed with wicked swords.
The Hobbits deploy on the west(right) side of the battlefield. The Nazgul deploy in the woods.
The evil side wins if they can kill Frodo. The good side wins if they can escape via the Ferry.

The hobbits split up, Frodo and Pippin going left, Merry and Sam going right. The Nazgul blundered about, trying to catch the hobbits, but their poor daylight vision ensured that they never touched the hobbits. One was even unaware of the hobbits' presence! In no time, the hobbits had boarded the ferry, and were safely out of reach. And...that's it? Wow.

The hobbits have escaped the Shire. With Merry as their guide, they pass into the Old Forest, a strange and dangerous land.

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