Saturday, February 5, 2011

The Hunt Begins

September 22, 3018 The Dark Lord Sauron is searching for the Ring. From the twisted and ruined creature Gollum he learns of Shire and Baggins. Acting swiftly, he unleashes his most trusted servants, the Nazgul. They ride towards the Shire, unaware of those who guard it, men who have good reason to hate the Nazgul and everything they represent...


This battle occurs beyond the Brandywine. The picture is of the battlefield facing west.
The Good Side consists of 9 Dunedain armed with sword, spear, and bow.
The Evil Side consists of 2 Nazgul and the Witch-king, each armed with wicked swords.
The rangers deploy on the hill and around it. The Nazgul enter from the east.
The evil side wins if they can get two of their number off the west edge of the battlefield. The good side wins if they can kill two of the Nazgul.

The Nazgul raced forwards, eager to enter the Shire. Khamul and the Witch-king each killed a Grey Company ranger that got in their way. Leod responded by loosing an arrow that felled the Witch-king. Enheartend by Leod's display of courage, the others tried to attack the other Nazgul, the Shadow Lord. He set off a terrifying aura that caused all in range to quail in fear, and he passed unhindered. The Nazgul had almost escaped, but Leod had one last parting shot: Khamul was felled by the dour-handed ranger's aim!

The rangers may have held the fords, but in the dead of night the Nazgul reform and drive all away with their horror, it being enhanced in the dark. Now the rangers have one final chance to stop the Nazgul.

Free Peoples of Eriador: Matt
The Nazgul: Sean

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