Saturday, February 5, 2011

Short Cuts Make Long Delays

September 24, 3018 Frodo has at last set out from Hobbiton, and now takes the Ring to Rivendell. Unaware of the battles the south, he now finds himself stalked by the Nazgul. A mere feet from their quarry, it seems victory is imminent for the forces of evil...


The picture is of the battlefield looking east.
The Good Side consists of Gildor, Frodo, Sam, and Pippin. All Hobbits are armed with sturdy blades. Gildor is armed with an elven blade and wears an elven cloak.
The Evil Side is made up of three Nazgul, all armed with wicked swords.
The Hobbits begin behind the hedge. Gildor starts on the east edge, one of the Nazgul on the north, one on the west, and one on the south.
The Nazgul win if they can kill Frodo. Good wins if they can move Frodo off the east edge of the battlefield.

Khamul, the ringwraith closest to the hobbits, lunged forward, eager to claim the Ring. The hobbits scattered, Sam accidentally blundering right into the Nazgul. The Frodo and Pippin ran towards the east edge of the battlefield, but it seemed frighteningly far away. Gildor engaged the Nazgul to the south, but the other two were closing in on Frodo. Gildor went down, just as the other Nazgul seized Frodo. It was all over in a couple of minutes...evil had won!

As the Nazgul gloated over their prize, they heard the approach of Gildor's party, who had heard the commotion. Leaving Frodo's body unspoiled, the ringwraiths fled. Inspecting the fallen, the elves discovered that in the enemy's haste to claim the Ring, all the heroes had been but gravely wounded! The Nazgul would surely be punished for this failure....

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