Saturday, February 12, 2011

Diary of Kelvardil Ingold

Things I Hate About Mirkwood:

The Food
Nothing to eat but squirrels that taste like gristle. At least we can order some passable food from Dorwinion on special occasions.
The Weather
What weather? We hardly get any sunlight around here.
The Wildlife
Giant spiders. On the up side, we got rid of that baby-eating psychopath Gollum last week. Well, he escaped, but no one regrets it.
The Management
Ugly guy with a German accent and his effeminate shield-surfer of a son.

Hate Mirkwood so much. Moving to Lothlorien.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Bucklebury Ferry

September 25, 3018 After their encounter with the ringwraiths in Woody End, the hobbits travel carfully down through the Eastfarthing. They meet Merry, who has become worried at their late arrival. Now there is but one final challenge for the four hobbits to overcome before they can escape the Shire: Bucklebury Ferry.


The picture is of the battlefield looking south
The Good Side is made up of Frodo, Sam, Merry, and Pippin. All are armed with sturdy blades.
The Evil Side is made up of 3 Nazgul, armed with wicked swords.
The Hobbits deploy on the west(right) side of the battlefield. The Nazgul deploy in the woods.
The evil side wins if they can kill Frodo. The good side wins if they can escape via the Ferry.

The hobbits split up, Frodo and Pippin going left, Merry and Sam going right. The Nazgul blundered about, trying to catch the hobbits, but their poor daylight vision ensured that they never touched the hobbits. One was even unaware of the hobbits' presence! In no time, the hobbits had boarded the ferry, and were safely out of reach. And...that's it? Wow.

The hobbits have escaped the Shire. With Merry as their guide, they pass into the Old Forest, a strange and dangerous land.

Short Cuts Make Long Delays

September 24, 3018 Frodo has at last set out from Hobbiton, and now takes the Ring to Rivendell. Unaware of the battles the south, he now finds himself stalked by the Nazgul. A mere feet from their quarry, it seems victory is imminent for the forces of evil...


The picture is of the battlefield looking east.
The Good Side consists of Gildor, Frodo, Sam, and Pippin. All Hobbits are armed with sturdy blades. Gildor is armed with an elven blade and wears an elven cloak.
The Evil Side is made up of three Nazgul, all armed with wicked swords.
The Hobbits begin behind the hedge. Gildor starts on the east edge, one of the Nazgul on the north, one on the west, and one on the south.
The Nazgul win if they can kill Frodo. Good wins if they can move Frodo off the east edge of the battlefield.

Khamul, the ringwraith closest to the hobbits, lunged forward, eager to claim the Ring. The hobbits scattered, Sam accidentally blundering right into the Nazgul. The Frodo and Pippin ran towards the east edge of the battlefield, but it seemed frighteningly far away. Gildor engaged the Nazgul to the south, but the other two were closing in on Frodo. Gildor went down, just as the other Nazgul seized Frodo. It was all over in a couple of minutes...evil had won!

As the Nazgul gloated over their prize, they heard the approach of Gildor's party, who had heard the commotion. Leaving Frodo's body unspoiled, the ringwraiths fled. Inspecting the fallen, the elves discovered that in the enemy's haste to claim the Ring, all the heroes had been but gravely wounded! The Nazgul would surely be punished for this failure....

The Trust of Arnor

September 23, 3018 The Dunedain have been driven from Sarn Ford, and now seek to do battle with the Nazgul in the Shire itself. If they can only slow the ringwraiths down a bit, the northmen may yet taste victory this day.


The battle occurs in an uninhabited region of the Southfarthing. The picture is of the battlefield looking west.
The Good Side consists of 9 rangers with sword, spear, and bow.
The Evil Side consists of 8 Nazgul and the Witch-king, all armed with wicked swords.
The rangers deploy between the two hills. The Nazgul deploy on the eastern edge of the battle field.
The evil side wins if it can get 5 ringwraiths off the western board edge. The good side wins if it can slay 5 ringwraiths.

Khamul, the Shadow Lord and the Undying moved onto the field as the rangers formed up their battle lines. The rangers took the initiative. They moved forward, but Leod and some others took up position on the hills. The Dark Marshal, the Witch-king, and the Knight of Umbar moved onto the field. The rangers moved into range of their targets, one of the Mirkwood rangers killing Khamul. As the rangers braced for impact, the remaining Nazgul arrived, making eight in action. The Witch-king killed the Brother of the West. Strung out in a column, the Nazgul were finding it hard to not get attacked.
The Undying and the Betrayer were felled, but the Witch-king followed up by killing a Grey Company ranger. The Nazgul soon moved out in the open. It was the home stretch, and the only barrier was two reinforcements that had moved onto the scene. As the front of the column engaged the reinforcements, more arrived from the south, hampering the ringwraith's progress and giving the others a chance to catch up. The Nazgul were beset on all sides, and a single arrow felled the Dwimmerlaik. The Witch-king too was slain, and good had won!

Once again, the rangers have won. And, once again, the Nazgul reform and drive those before them away in fear. They have now entered the Shire...

The Hunt Begins

September 22, 3018 The Dark Lord Sauron is searching for the Ring. From the twisted and ruined creature Gollum he learns of Shire and Baggins. Acting swiftly, he unleashes his most trusted servants, the Nazgul. They ride towards the Shire, unaware of those who guard it, men who have good reason to hate the Nazgul and everything they represent...


This battle occurs beyond the Brandywine. The picture is of the battlefield facing west.
The Good Side consists of 9 Dunedain armed with sword, spear, and bow.
The Evil Side consists of 2 Nazgul and the Witch-king, each armed with wicked swords.
The rangers deploy on the hill and around it. The Nazgul enter from the east.
The evil side wins if they can get two of their number off the west edge of the battlefield. The good side wins if they can kill two of the Nazgul.

The Nazgul raced forwards, eager to enter the Shire. Khamul and the Witch-king each killed a Grey Company ranger that got in their way. Leod responded by loosing an arrow that felled the Witch-king. Enheartend by Leod's display of courage, the others tried to attack the other Nazgul, the Shadow Lord. He set off a terrifying aura that caused all in range to quail in fear, and he passed unhindered. The Nazgul had almost escaped, but Leod had one last parting shot: Khamul was felled by the dour-handed ranger's aim!

The rangers may have held the fords, but in the dead of night the Nazgul reform and drive all away with their horror, it being enhanced in the dark. Now the rangers have one final chance to stop the Nazgul.

Free Peoples of Eriador: Matt
The Nazgul: Sean

Warriors of Middle-earth: the Hobbits

Frodo has undertaken the quest to carry the Ring to Mordor and cast it into Mount Doom, thus ending its power forever. Though Frodo is hardly as bold or as feirce a warrior as many others in Middle-earth, he alone has  the strength of character needed to succeed. For the Ring has a will of its own. The Ring wants to be found!

Sam is Frodo's companion and loyal friend - of all the Fellowship only Sam is unable to abandon Frodo to his journey to Mordor to destroy the Ring.

Meriadoc Brandybuck, commonly called Merry, is a young hot-headed and meddlesome hobbit, like his good friend Peregrin Took.

Peregrin took, commonly called Pippin, is the great friend and companion of the equally young and wild Meriadoc Brandybuck. By a chance encounter, they find themselves propelled from their rustic lives in the Shire into danegr of the darkest and most terrible kind.
From left to right: Sam, Pippin, Frodo, Merry

Much as the ringwraiths drive the early part of the story, so the Hobbits are the focus for Good.

Warriors of Middle-earth: The Nazgul

The Ringwraith were once Kings of Men, the bearers of magical rings created by Sauron. Their rings granted endless life but gradually enslaved the Kings to Sauron's will. All that remains of them now are their twisted spirits - their bodies having faded into empty nothingness. Together with their leader, the Witch-king of Angmar, they are known as The Nine and are the most deadly of all Sauron's servants.

Ringwraiths cannot be killed in the traditional sense because they are not alive - but they can be banished. A Ringwraith that has been banished in this way will gradually reform as its embittered will shapes a new form for it to inhabit. This takes many days depending on how far the Ringwraiths are from their master.

The Witch-king is the leader of the Ringwraiths. Like the others, he is cloaked and armored, and has no physical body but only a shadow-like existence held together by the force of his will.

The Witch-king is on the left. From top to bottom, and from left to right are: the Betrayer, the Dwimmerlaik, the Knight of Umbar, the Tainted, the Undying, the Shadow Lord, the Dark Marshal, and Khamul the Black Easterling.

Ringwraiths are one of the most iconic images of evil in Middle-eatth, and their pursit of the Hobbits from the Shire to Rivendell makes them the focus of the early part of the story for the forces of Evil.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

The Story so Far

In the Land of Mordor, in the fires of Mount Doom, the Dark Lord Sauron forged in secret a master Ring, to control all others. One by one, the free lands of Middle-earth fell to the power of the Ring. But there were some who resisted. A Last Alliance of Men and Elves marched on the armies of Mordor, and on the slopes of Mount Doom they fought for the freedom of Middle-earth. In that last combat the High King of Gondor and of the Noldorin were slain, but Sauron too was cast down.

The Ring was lost for thousands of years. Now destiny has placed the Ring in the most unlikely of hands: a Hobbit, Frodo Baggins. Aided by his friends, Frodo sets out on a perilous quest to destroy the Ring in the very fires of it's creation.

But the Dark Lord has again emerged, and now he commands and army bred for a single purpose: to destroy the Free Peoples. If Sauron should reclaim the Ring, he will become greater and more powerful than ever, and darkness shall once again fall over Middle-earth.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Warriors of Middle-earth: Rangers

The Dunedain are descendants of the Men of Arnor. Bereft of a kingdom, they dwell in the wilds, seeking out and slaying Orcs,Trolls, and other foul creatures before they can wreak havoc upon the all but defenselsss villages of Breeland and the Shire.
Left: the Grey Company and rangers of the North Downs
Middle: Brothers of the Four Compass Points, Swampwalker, Sereg, a Shire ranger, and the ranger from the Red Swamp
Right: Specialized Grey Company rangers and Mirkwood rangers
Our story begins with the rangers, battling the ringwraiths on the borders of the Shire.