Monday, April 9, 2012

The Grey Pilgrim and the Black Riders

October 3, 3018 Returning from Orthanc, Gandalf rides like the wind. He makes for Weathertop, and alas, finds the Ringwraiths waiting for him. By daylight they are content to imprison the wizard within the crumbling walls, yet as darkness falls the Nazgul move to destroy Gandalf.

The battle takes place at Weathertop, the ruined watch tower. The floor is strewn with rubble.
The good side is made up of Gandalf, carrying his staff, his sword, Glamdring, and the ring Narya.
The evil side is made up of 8 Nazgul and the Witch-king, all carrying wicked swords.
Gandalf starts in the center of Weathertop.
Two Ringwraiths are positioned at the edge of the ring. The Witch-king and the remaining Ringwraiths are kept in reserve.
The good side wins if Gandalf survives and at least four Ringwraiths are slain. The evil side wins if Gandalf is slain.

The Nazgul stalked into the ruins and attacked Gandalf. The wizard was able to fight them off, using the bright light emanating from his staff to keep them back. Those he was not able to kill he was able to push back with blasts of magical energy. Two wraiths were slain before the Witch-king himself arrived. After a short fight he was slain by Gandfalf. Felling drained, Gandalf took two wounds before he was able to finally kill one more Ringwraith, winning the battle.

The wraiths who had been slain or driven off regrouped, while Gandalf rode with all speed away from the ruin, drawing the surviving Nazgul out after him.

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