Sunday, August 14, 2011

Wildlife of Middle-earth


Small birds found in Mirkwood. Kept by Mirkwood elves as pets for their ability to eat grubs and small insects.


Large insects that live in mountains - even those bordering the Land of Shadow itself. Can hibernate through cold weather by going into a state of torpor. Deemed a delicacy by goblins and orcs.


A large, rare bird found deep in Mirkwood. Attempts to tame by both orcs and elves inconclusive.


Shy and rare bird found in all forests. Can communicate over huge distances and are fond of making their nests in Elven trees or (in Fangorn) on ents.


Curious and intelligent birds that will make off with bits of man- elf- orc- or dwarf-made material, even going so far as to dismantle armor and buildings. Will attack livestock. Found across Middle-earth.


Ancient lizards, are found in areas where forests are common, but not thick, such as the Shire and Ithilien.

Giant Eagles

Called Haast's eagle by the people of the lands between Mirkwood and the Misty Mountains, these large eagles answer only to the Valar and feed upon all large wildlife, but especially moas.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Warriors of Middle-earth: Tom Bombadil and Goldberry

Tom Bombadil is a mysterious being that lives in a small cottage past the edge of the Old Forest. Tom's appearance is that of a plump, jolly, little man, always intent on singing nonsensical songs and picking flowers for his beloved Goldberry. Tom seems interested in very little else, but he will never deny his help to travellers in danger, as Frodo and his friends soon find out. Beyond Tom's innocent look is hidden a being of immense power, to to whom all living creatures and even inanimate matter must obey to the letter. Even the Ring has no influence upon him, and the only limit to Tom's powers seem to be his resolution never to cross the borders of his small land, a limit that Tom has imposed upon himself.

O slender as a wollow wand! O clearer then clear water!
O reed by the living pool! Fair River-Daughter!

A mysterious creature that lives with Tom Bobadil, Goldberry is abeautiful female spirit. She seems to personify the life-giving and soothing powers of the clearest and purest of waters.

With two characters a unique as Tom Bobadil and Goldberry, it's worth taking the extra time to read up on them.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Warriors of Middle-earth: Barrow-wights

After the Last Alliance of Elves and Men and the Fall of Sauron, the Witch-king fled to the North and there built the kingdom of Angmar. He sent dark spirits south to the Barrow-downs and the skeletal forms of the long-dead rulers walked once more, bedecked with gold and carrying dark blades, their actions directed by the dread will of Sauron's cheif servant. In time, the Witch-king was defeated and his kingdom of Angmar destroyed, but the Barrow-wights remain within their tombs, luring the unwary to their doom.

In many ways, the Barrow-wights are a lot like the Ringwraiths. The main difference is that the Ringwraiths wear heavy, dusty black chlothing, while the Barrow-wights are pale, luminous phantoms.