Saturday, August 13, 2011

Warriors of Middle-earth: Tom Bombadil and Goldberry

Tom Bombadil is a mysterious being that lives in a small cottage past the edge of the Old Forest. Tom's appearance is that of a plump, jolly, little man, always intent on singing nonsensical songs and picking flowers for his beloved Goldberry. Tom seems interested in very little else, but he will never deny his help to travellers in danger, as Frodo and his friends soon find out. Beyond Tom's innocent look is hidden a being of immense power, to to whom all living creatures and even inanimate matter must obey to the letter. Even the Ring has no influence upon him, and the only limit to Tom's powers seem to be his resolution never to cross the borders of his small land, a limit that Tom has imposed upon himself.

O slender as a wollow wand! O clearer then clear water!
O reed by the living pool! Fair River-Daughter!

A mysterious creature that lives with Tom Bobadil, Goldberry is abeautiful female spirit. She seems to personify the life-giving and soothing powers of the clearest and purest of waters.

With two characters a unique as Tom Bobadil and Goldberry, it's worth taking the extra time to read up on them.

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